Game rating

OS: IOS AndroId

Version: 2.0.2

Updated: March 9, 2021

Size: 3.9GB

Developer: Aspyr Media, Inc.

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Five years after the events of the award-winning Star Wars® Knights of the Old Republic™, the Sith Lords have driven the Jedi to the brink of extinction and are about to destroy the Old Republic.


Choose from three different classes of Jedi, each with access to a specific Jedi ability.


As the story progresses, choose either the light or dark side of the Force.


The choices you make will affect your character, your party members, and the people who can join you on your mission.


With the destruction of the Jedi Order, the Republic's only hope lies in the efforts of a lone Jedi to reconnect with the Force. As this Jedi, you will face the most terrifying decision in the galaxy: obey the light side or succumb to the darkness .......

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How To Play

Lords of the Sith takes place in the time of the Old Republic, nearly four thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, five years after the previous game, Star Wars: Samurai of the Old Republic. At this time, the Old Republic is in the grip of a storm and the Jedi have been nearly wiped out by the brutality of the Sith. The player takes on the role of a former Jedi exiled by the Jedi organization, often referred to as "the Exile" in the game, but known canonically as Meetra Surik. Over the course of the game, Surik gradually regains his connection to the Force and fights the Sith with the help of other non-player characters. Players can make choices over the course of the game to tilt Surik's position toward the light side of the Force or fall to the dark side of the Force, helping or hindering the Republic's efforts to establish peace and order by navigating between six different planets. Players will be able to choose from three different types of Jedi, each with special powers, and whether the player enters the light or falls into the abyss of darkness will depend on their actions.The game will feature many characters from the previous generation, continuing the story of the previous generation, and the game will feature a variety of Force skills, weapons, scenarios, characters and more.


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