Game rating

OS: IOS AndroId

Version: 1.27.0

Updated: November 23, 2022

Size: 239.31MB

Developer: Lion Studios Plus LLC

Game-homes only includes the official package of the game, and all download links jump to the official platforms such as the App Store and Nintendo. There is no malware, and it is not shared with developers. Please feel free to click download.




If you haven't heard what Wordle! is, then now we will bring you the introduction of this word game, Wordle! is a game that many word lovers like to play, the aim of the game is to guess the correct word as much as possible, this game is very test each player's vocabulary, but can improve your brain, because this Wordle! Wordle! also improves your mind and activates your brain to use your spelling skills.

 In the game you will need to try through different ideas, if you want to get some key hints, you need to try the first time to spell a word that will be the correct answer as far as possible, if the first time you get a letter right you will get a green or yellow grid to hint you, so you will feel that you have collected important information, but if you do not guess a letter right to get all the gray grid, you do not have to You don't have to worry if you don't get all the gray letters right, because then you still get a lot of information that proves that the answer won't have all the gray letters in it this time, so you can make an exclusion.

 The game is designed to allow you to enter a certain range of words, and the range of words in the game is very wide, with a large vocabulary, but the overall concept of the game is that the puzzle can not be too rare words, so you can guess in the usual more commonly used words, and this game can bring a lot of players a mental test, Wordle! The game offers daily challenges and other modes for players to choose from, making word games fun and colorful, so enter Wordle!

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How To Play

The goal of Wordle! is to guess a mysterious word, and the word is composed of five letters, you will have six chances to guess the correct answer to the word, each time you make a guess, you will be able to get some information from the five words in the first guess, when you get some information from these information hints you can know how close you are to the correct answer, for example, you If there is no correct answer in the letter in your first guess, then the letter in this grid will turn gray, so gray means wrong, and if there is a correct answer in the letter in your first guess, then the grid of other colors will be displayed, such as a yellow grid, then it means that the letter is correct, which means that there is a letter in the answer, but the position of the letter is not correct, so yellow means position, and if If a green grid appears in your first guess, it means the letter is correct and the position is right, which means the letter is in the mystery word, and the green color also means the letter is in the current position.

 When we get these hints, we need to try multiple words, and you imagine that the word also has the letter and its location, it will be much easier, and your guess must be the real existence of the five-letter word.

 In this Wordle! game when you complete each word challenge you can share the results of your challenge to your friends through the game's share settings, as well as in the process of the challenge encountered trouble or difficulty you can also click on the game's hint button to provide you with part of the correct answer clues, now participate in the Wordle!

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