Toca Kitchen 2
Toca Kitchen 2
Game rating

OS: IOS AndroId Windows

Version: 2.0

Updated: May 24, 2021

Size: 139.37MB

Developer: Toca Boca AB

Game-homes only includes the official package of the game, and all download links jump to the official platforms such as the App Store and Nintendo. There is no malware, and it is not shared with developers. Please feel free to click download.




Toca Kitchen 2 is a free cooking app for kids, perfect for aspiring chefs. Kids can play chef in a kitchen full of delicious food and ingredients! Learn how to cook your favorite dishes or try fun combinations to feed hungry customers. This fun cooking app is sure to entertain the kids!

There are no time limits or rules, right or wrong, so explore the kitchen with all the ingredients and tools that must be provided! Make some crazy food and feed your guests.

Toca Kitchen 2 This game is easy to pick up and almost impossible to fail. You will get a refrigerator full of ingredients and a lot of kitchen utensils. With them, you'll be able to cook up any gourmet meal you want. When you are done, your guests will taste the food you have made.

Toca Kitchen 2 is simple and fun, and the combinations that players can create in the game are almost limitless. The game also has an elegant design and delightful graphics.


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How To Play

Who says dishes have to look good and taste good? In Toca Kitchen 2,

You can cook whatever you want! Squeeze tomato juice, cook a salad or make a weird milkshake. Come up with your own recipes and give your guests something special.

In the refrigerator of Toca Kitchen 2 you will find over 20 markets: chicken, sausage, potatoes, lettuce, shrimp, octopus, pasta, tomatoes, and much more. All ingredients can be chopped in the frying pan or on the counter, or otherwise processed. You can mix a variety of ingredients and cook them together.

With six different kitchen tools to choose from, you can prepare fun food perfectly! Add your favorite toppings, add a little mess and a final touch of weirdness. It's time to give your guests something to eat! Is it a winner? Observe their reactions by watching your guests'

Discover their preferences. Oven baked fish heads, fried leftovers and lettuce dressing coming up! Oh, they don't like it? Try adding some salt. It's fun to get "ew"! Watch the characters react to the hot sauce and sour lemon, or laugh when they burp loudly.

Last but not least, we added more layers to the characters. Have fun!

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