Dumb Ways to Draw
Dumb Ways to Draw
Game rating

OS: IOS AndroId

Version: 5.0.11

Updated: January 15, 2023

Size: 465.30MB

Developer: Metro Trains Melbourne Pty Ltd

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"Dumb Ways to Draw" is a mobile puzzle game developed by Metro Trains Melbourne Pty Ltd. The game features a series of brain-teasing challenges where players must use their drawing skills to help quirky characters avoid dangerous situations.

Each level presents a different scenario in which a character is in peril, such as being trapped in a burning building or stuck in a sinking boat. The player's goal is to draw a path or object that will help the character escape the danger and reach safety.

However, the catch is that the player is limited in the tools they have available to draw with, such as a limited number of ink drops or a restricted number of line segments. This requires the player to think creatively and come up with a solution that uses their resources wisely.

The game features over 100 levels, each with its own unique challenge and solution. The colorful graphics and quirky characters make for an engaging and entertaining gaming experience, while the puzzles themselves provide a fun and challenging mental workout.

Overall, "Dumb Ways to Draw" is a fun and addictive game that is sure to keep players entertained and engaged for hours on end.

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How To Play

In "Dumb Ways to Draw", players are presented with a variety of levels, each with a different scenario and challenge. Here are the specific operations involved in the game play:

Draw a path or object: The primary operation in "Dumb Ways to Draw" is to draw a path or object that will help the character escape danger and reach safety. This can be done by using your finger to draw on the screen.

Limited resources: To add an extra level of challenge, players are given limited resources to work with, such as a limited number of ink drops or a restricted number of line segments. This requires players to think creatively and use their resources wisely.

Avoid obstacles: In each level, there are various obstacles and hazards that players must avoid in order to successfully complete the level. These can include fire, water, and other environmental hazards.

Quirky characters: The game features a variety of quirky characters that are in need of your help. Each character has a unique personality and story that adds to the game's charm.

Over 100 levels: "Dumb Ways to Draw" features over 100 levels, each with its own unique challenge and solution. As players progress through the levels, the challenges become increasingly difficult.

Collect coins: Throughout the game, players can collect coins that can be used to unlock additional levels or purchase new resources.

Replay levels: If a player fails to complete a level, they can replay it as many times as they want until they successfully complete it.

Overall, "Dumb Ways to Draw" is a fun and engaging puzzle game that requires players to think creatively and use their drawing skills to help quirky characters escape danger.

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