Where's My Water
Where's My Water
Game rating

OS: IOS AndroId

Version: 1.18.4

Updated: January 28, 2021

Size: 105.82 MB

Developer: Disney Electronic Content, Inc.

Game-homes only includes the official package of the game, and all download links jump to the official platforms such as the App Store and Nintendo. There is no malware, and it is not shared with developers. Please feel free to click download.




Swampy, a sewer crocodile who lives under the city, wants to live a human-like life and he likes cleanliness very much. But Cranky, the crocodile, is not happy with his eccentricities and conspires to destroy his water supply, setting up various mechanisms to prevent him from taking a bath. Players need to excavate the soil, adjust the pipes and baffles, lead the water to its bathtub and fill the three ducks as much as possible in between, and not to let other liquids into Little Naughty's hose.

This game is a physics-based (though some times not quite object-based) puzzle game with detailed graphics, multi-touch support and excellent sound effects. To succeed, beware of algae, poisonous water, organs and a variety of traps. There are currently 10 little naughty chapters with a total of 200 levels (each with 20 levels), where players need to draw clear water into a broken pipe, plus 20 collectible bonus levels; while in the 4 themed chapters of The Story of the Combustible Machine, there are 80 levels to get the poisonous water to clean the algae from the food so that the combustible machine can feed, and 8 combustible machine challenge bonus levels; in The Story of Ally, there are 40 levels, and 4 collectible bonus levels; in Mystery Duck, each little naughty level has a new duck challenge, either a mystery duck that can move position, or a giant duck that requires 20 drops of water to fill, and a little duck that can be obtained with 1 drop of water; plus lots of hidden levels!

- 原创故事和角色 - 播放 4 个独特的故事,沼泽、艾莉、暴躁和神秘鸭。这是超过 500 个惊人的谜题!

- 创新力学 - 看到各种形式的水并利用您的创造力来解决难题 - 非常令人兴奋!

- 收藏品、挑战和奖励关卡 - 收集为每个角色独特设计的特殊物品,完成​​很酷的挑战以解锁奖励关卡!《三只鸭》每一关都有终极吹牛的权利!


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How To Play

沼泽鳄鱼住在城市下面的下水道。他与其他鳄鱼有点不同——他好奇、友好,并且喜欢在辛苦工作一天后洗个长澡。但是管道有问题,Swampy 需要您的帮助来为他的淋浴取水!

Ellie is the most creative crocodile in the sewer. Her eccentric spirit and artistic talents have made her a star. Now the gators have created a one-of-a-kind steam-powered musical instrument and can't wait to hear her play it! Help Ellie get the power she needs and enjoy her rendition of classic Disney tunes.

Cranky, a real crocodile alligator, has a huge appetite and eats everything, from tires to old fish bones. But he refuses to eat his vegetables! Use dirty purple water to remove algae from Cranky's plate so he can gobble up his "food".

Mystery Duck

Hop on board to fancy this special chapter and hint at the transient Mystery Duck - timing is everything! Look for all kinds of surprises, including the biggest duck ever, a giant duck, and cute little duckies!

Players will have to find a way to get the water through layers of mud and obstacles and finally introduce the crocodile "Swampy" (Swampy) into the bathtub so he can take a clean bath. This game character is also a new character designed by Disney for mobile games.

Beware of underground moss, toxic mud, organs and traps. In the ten themed chapters of Little Naughty's story, players are responsible for getting the water flowing again so that Little Naughty can take a bath, while in the two themed chapters of Big Naughty's story, players are responsible for getting the poisonous water to melt away the algae so that Big Naughty can feed.

通过将水引导到他破碎的淋浴间来帮助 Swampy。每个级别都是一个具有挑战性的基于物理的谜题,具有惊人的逼真机制。穿过污垢,引导淡水、脏水、有毒水、蒸汽和渗出液穿越越来越具有挑战性的场景!每一滴都很重要!


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