Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Game rating

OS: IOS AndroId

Version: PC

Updated: March 4, 2021

Size: 1.2GB

Developer: Nintendo Co., Ltd.

Game-homes only includes the official package of the game, and all download links jump to the official platforms such as the App Store and Nintendo. There is no malware, and it is not shared with developers. Please feel free to click download.




Smash is an excellent and creative game. The Smash series greatly simplifies the input of commands compared to traditional fighting games, adding props and a variety of terrain to make the game more winnable, and as the game is played the value of hits by the opponent becomes greater and greater, the greater the value means the hits will blow farther and farther away.

New characters and stages have been added to the entire Legacy roster!

Game icons clash in the ultimate brawl you can play anytime, anywhere! Smash opponents exit the stage as new characters Simon Belmont and King K. Rool join Inkling, Ridley, and every fighter in Super Smash Bros. history. Enjoy enhanced speed and combat in new stages based on the Castlevania series, Super Mario Odyssey, and more!

Having trouble choosing a stage? Then select the Stage Morph option to switch from one stage to another while in battle - starting with a series! Also joining the fight are the new Echo Fighters Dark Samus, Richter Belmont and Chrom. Enjoy faster battles, new attacks and new defense options like a perfect shield, whether you're playing locally or online. Improvise 900 different musical compositions, play one-on-one matches with friends, hold 4-player melee battles, kick it up to 8-player matchmaking and more! Feel free to use your GameCube controller - legendary couch matches await you - or play together anytime, anywhere!



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How To Play

This is a crossover fighting game that follows the traditional gameplay style of the series: controlling one of the various characters, players must use different attacks to weaken their opponents and knock them out of the arena. It features multiple game modes, including a campaign for single-player and multiplayer with modes.

The object of the game is to make enemies fly off the field and not be able to come back. Although the game is a bit difficult and requires a pair of professional handles to play well, it is also fun to constantly hone your skills and mindset!

The core gameplay is fairly simple, just hit as many enemies as possible in battle to win, but because special scenarios and props appear on each map, it's not easy to defeat enemies with moves. The game has been one of the most popular and fun games in multiplayer parties because of its rich variability with up to 80 groups of characters.

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