Hyper Scape
Hyper Scape
Game rating

OS: IOS AndroId

Version: PC

Updated: July 12, 2020

Size: 1.5GB

Developer: Mojang

Game-homes only includes the official package of the game, and all download links jump to the official platforms such as the App Store and Nintendo. There is no malware, and it is not shared with developers. Please feel free to click download.




Hyper Scape is the only future urban battle royale

Loot and blend powerful Hacks and unique weapons in fast-paced battles and become the true champion of Hyper Scape. 100 competitors engage in first-person close-quarters battles and fast-paced matches to become the next global superstar.

For the next three decades, life is idyllic ...... for the 1% that can afford it. For the rest of the 10 billion people trapped in mega-cities, everyday life is torture. One escape is into Hyper Scape - a 100% urban battle royale that explores the streets and rooftops of Neo Arcadia in intense firefights, cat-and-mouse chases and vertical experiences like never before. The fastest way to reach the top and change your life's destiny is to take part in Crown Rush, an intense urban battle royale that takes place in the heart of Hyper Scape. Win in Crown Rush and change your life!

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How To Play

Welcome to Neo Arcadia

Battle through the unique areas of Neo Arcadia, a virtual city with spectacular landmarks that take verticality to a new level. Engage in high-stakes battles as you explore the streets, interiors and rooftops.

Loot your abilities solo or in small teams, on the streets or rooftops, looting unique weapons and rule-breaking hacks to define your style of play.

Escape the decay of disintegrating urban areas. Adapt to the effects of randomly changing game rules. Fight to be the last man standing, or capture the crown and claim victory.

Hyper Scape offers two ways to win: fight to be the last man standing, or capture the crown that spawns at the end of the game. Hold the crown long enough, and you and your squad will emerge victorious!

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