Game rating

OS: IOS AndroId

Version: 2.4

Updated: March 7, 2021

Size: 197.71MB

Developer: Naquatic LLC

Game-homes only includes the official package of the game, and all download links jump to the official platforms such as the App Store and Nintendo. There is no malware, and it is not shared with developers. Please feel free to click download.




In this game, players can experience the whole process of putting together a gun from the source until after the bullet is fired. You are able to build your gun freely through pixel blocks. You can also have a multiplayer shooting match with other players, which of course follows the basic gun theory. The gun materials are wood, plastic, steel, glass, aluminum and gold. The weapon design can also be upgraded, and the magazine capacity is definitely increasing.

Build your own gun and compete against your friends, your enemies, or anyone in the world in virtual reality shooting matches!

Instant multiplayer, use our exclusive fast match system to get into lag-free multiplayer games in less than 5 seconds. No waiting. No lag. Just play.

Calling all Marksmen virtual reality controls let you aim with your device - how accurate are you?

Physics-based shooting challenges and destructible targets, leaderboards to track your progress, unlockable squares and upgrades


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How To Play

Not only can you play against the computer, but you can also play against players on the internet. In 30 seconds ~ 1 minute time to break the square tiles, get the highest score victory.

The gun in Cube Gunner consists of a star, a pixel block, a trigger and a barrel. The barrel is the soul of the gun and must be fitted. You must design it reasonably, otherwise the score obtained is also low. The seeds can be obtained in the "Chance" option, which is the lottery module. The draw is very special, spend some coins to buy the number of draws, and then use the gun to shoot a rotating block to stop, you can get the corresponding rewards, but there will be 25-50% chance of empty hands.

Click "Build" to enter the storage slot, where players can store the guns they have built, and players can delete or modify them at any time. In the early stages, players need to spend gold to unlock more slots. Click on any empty storage slot to start building a gun. When you enter, you will be asked to choose the size of the gun first. The larger the gun, the more ammunition it holds. The more ammunition you have, the fewer times you have to change ammunition, and the higher your score will be. After choosing the size of the gun, you will start to choose the material of the gun, which is wood at first, and the best material is gold. The more damage the gun is made of, the better the accuracy, shooting distance and loading speed will be. After that is to assemble the gun. In fact, it is very simple to assemble the gun, the player only needs to put the muzzle in front, the trigger in the middle, and the center of aim on top. Of course, players can also be any combination.

The level can be increased to open a more difficult map. After you choose to play the map you can choose the mode of the game. There are three modes in total, players can choose to invite friends or random matches and practice matches.

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