Exploding Kittens
Exploding Kittens
Game rating

OS: IOS AndroId

Version: 4.0.6

Updated: April 9, 2021

Size: 263.51MB

Developer: Mojang

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Exploding Kittens is a wildly popular and delightfully absurd card game that has taken the world by storm since its creation in 2015. Developed by Elan Lee, Matthew Inman (creator of The Oatmeal), and Shane Small, this card game combines strategy, luck, and a dose of chaos in a way that's both entertaining and downright hilarious.

Exploding Kittens is essentially a Russian roulette-style card game with a feline twist. The objective is simple: avoid exploding kittens while strategically using cards to sabotage your opponents and be the last player standing.

Basic Gameplay: The game is designed for 2 to 5 players, making it ideal for small to medium-sized gatherings. Each player starts with a hand of cards and takes turns drawing cards from the deck.

Accessible for All: Exploding Kittens is easy to learn and play, making it suitable for players of all ages and levels of gaming experience.

Quick Rounds: The game's fast-paced nature means that rounds are typically short, making it perfect for quick gaming sessions or as a filler game during larger gatherings.

Endless Laughter: The comical artwork and unpredictable card interactions frequently lead to bursts of laughter, creating a light-hearted and entertaining atmosphere.

Expansions and Variations: The game offers expansion packs and various rule variations, adding layers of complexity and replayability for those who want to dive deeper.

Exploding Kittens is a card game that perfectly encapsulates the essence of fun and randomness. With its humorous artwork, simple rules, and strategic depth, it has become a beloved addition to game night gatherings and a fantastic choice for those seeking a mix of strategy and laughter. So, gather your friends, brace yourself for feline explosions, and immerse yourself in the uproarious world of Exploding Kittens. Will you be the last one standing when the dust—and kittens—settle?

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How To Play

Exploding Kittens is a hilariously chaotic and strategic card game that has captured the hearts of players around the world. Developed by Elan Lee, Matthew Inman (creator of The Oatmeal), and Shane Small, this game combines suspense, strategy, and a dose of absurd humor.

The primary goal of Exploding Kittens is to avoid drawing an Exploding Kitten card while using various action cards to thwart your opponents. Here's how to set up and play:

Remove the Exploding Kittens and Defuse cards from the deck. The number of Exploding Kittens depends on the number of players (e.g., with 4 players, use 3 Exploding Kittens).

Shuffle the deck, including the Exploding Kittens, and deal each player 4 cards.

Give each player a Defuse card, which is their "Get out of Exploding Kitten Free" card. They must keep this card in their hand.

Be the last player remaining who hasn't drawn an Exploding Kitten card.

Draw Cards: On your turn, draw one card from the deck and add it to your hand. You can choose to draw from the top of the deck or use special action cards to manipulate the draw pile.

Play Cards: You can play one action card from your hand during your turn. Action cards include Skip, Attack, See the Future, Favor, and more.

End Turn: Your turn ends by discarding a card face-up to the discard pile. Remember that you can't pick it back up.

Exploding Kittens: If you draw an Exploding Kitten card, you're in trouble! Unless you have a Defuse card, you're out of the game. Play a Defuse card to defuse the kitten by placing it back into the deck anywhere you like (except the top).

Action Cards: Action cards are the heart of the game. Use them strategically to skip turns, force opponents to take extra turns, peek at the deck's future cards, and more. They're your key to survival.

Pairs: You can play pairs of matching cards (e.g., two Taco Cats) to steal a random card from an opponent's hand. The victim chooses the card to give you.

Nope Cards: Nope cards can be used to negate any action card played by an opponent. A Nope card can even be "Nope'd" by another Nope card!

End of Your Turn: You must have at least 5 cards in your hand at the end of your turn. If you have fewer, you must draw until you have 5.

Plan Strategically: Keep a keen eye on your opponents' actions and card counts. Use your action cards wisely to outmaneuver them.

Save Defuse Cards: While it's tempting to use Defuse cards early, saving them for late-game Exploding Kittens can be a game-changer.

Create Alliances: Temporary alliances can be useful to gang up on a player or help protect each other from Exploding Kittens.

Use Action Cards Cautiously: Action cards can backfire if used at the wrong time. Consider the potential consequences before playing them.

Exploding Kittens is a thrilling, unpredictable, and uproariously fun card game that combines strategy with outrageous humor. With its simple rules and countless opportunities for strategic gameplay, it's perfect for casual gatherings, parties, or family game nights. So, gather your friends, embrace the chaos, and immerse yourself in the zany world of Exploding Kittens. Will you dodge the kittens' explosive antics and emerge as the victor?

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