Game rating

OS: IOS AndroId

Version: 1.0.6

Updated: May 15, 2018

Size: 31.58MB

Developer: SQUARE ENIX Co., Ltd.

Game-homes only includes the official package of the game, and all download links jump to the official platforms such as the App Store and Nintendo. There is no malware, and it is not shared with developers. Please feel free to click download.




The peace of beautiful Alefgard has been shattered by the appearance of the evil master of the night known as the Dragon King and the Orb of Light what has long held the forces of darkness in check has been stolen!

It's time for you, a young warrior with the blood of the legendary hero Erdrick in his veins, to embark on a quest to conquer the Dragon King and save the land from the darkness!

 Game FeaturesFirst in the Legends series

Originally released as G.I. Joe, now you can experience the classic retro RPG experience that took millions of Japanese gamers by storm in the 80's. ...... Never give up!

Become a descendant of the legendary hero Erdrick and embark on an epic journey through the historical realm of Alefgard, tackling terrifying enemies and baffling puzzles on your way to the dreaded Dragon King's lair!


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How To Play

The basic setting is that the player plays the role of G.I. and embarks on an adventure to save the world from an evil and powerful enemy, and most games have a group of players who travel with G.I.. Most of the games and derivative works in the series use a common element - turn-based combat

The purpose of the game is to play the legendary G.One "Lot" bloodline heir, defeating the attempt to control the world of the Dragon King, and rescue the captive princess. To complete the game, you must continue to fight in the earth around the various demons, so as to earn experience and money; experience to enhance the level, money can buy more powerful weapons, so that the master's ability to enhance, to expand the scope of exploration, so that it reaches different villages and towns to collect information, by the player's own comprehensive information to obtain important props, in order to make the story move forward.

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